Gardening Quizzes

Test and enrich your horticultural knowledge with our engaging garden quizzes! Whether a novice or seasoned gardener, these quizzes offer a fun and informative way to boost your gardening skills and deepen your love for nature.

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Can you guess which edible plant I am?

Can you guess which edible plant I am?

Test your knowledge of edible plants with this quiz.

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Can you name these flowers?

Can you name these flowers?

Are you able to get 100% on this quiz about flowers?

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Garden Quiz

Garden Quiz

Test your garden knowledge with this multiple choice quiz! 

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Gardening 101

Gardening 101

How much do you know about gardening?

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Name these seedlings

Name these seedlings

Test your edible plant knowledge by naming these seedlings. 

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Quiz Me!

Quiz Me!

Test your gardening knowledge with this quiz!

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Test your gardening knowledge!

Test your gardening knowledge!

Test your knowledge of gardening with this fun quiz! 

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What flower am I?

What flower am I?

This quiz tests how good you are at spotting flowers.

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Which crop do I produce?

Which crop do I produce?

Can you tell what crop is produced by just looking at pictures of the plant?

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Garden Trivia

Trees are the longest living organisms on planet earth.

Potatoes were first cultivated in Peru roughly 7000 years ago.

Strawberry is the only fruit that bears seeds on the outside.

Apples are 25% air, that's why they float on water.

Pockets of air inside Cranberries cause them to float in water.