Oregano and Thyme Pizzas

Oregano and Thyme are attractive, low maintenance plants that grow abundantly. Along with their delicious leaves, these plants produce stunning, edible flowers that are perfect for attracting beneficial insects such as bees into your veggie garden!
These nutrient packed herbs add exceptional flavour to a meal. They feature heavily in Italian and Middle Eastern cooking and have become a household staple to most, particularly in their dried form.
If you have ever grown herbs, you would know just how quickly they grow! This recipe is a quick and easy way to use up your herb harvest. With a flavour that is similar to the popular Lebanese ‘Zaatar,’ these Oregano and Thyme pizzas definitely won’t disappoint.
Simply purchase or make some thin pizza bases, you can even use Lebanese bread for this. It’s best to use a thin base so that the herbs aren’t in the oven for too long. Sprinkle a generous handful of fresh Thyme and Oregano leaves all over the base, drizzle over a good amount of olive oil, making sure that the leaves are generously coated so that they don’t burn in the oven. Next, sprinkle on some Sesame Seeds and a small amount of Sumac to taste. Bake in the oven until the pizza base has cooked through.
After the pizza has cooked, the leaves will be dry and crisp and the oil will have infused with the most delicious herby flavour. That's all there is to it! Be sure to make plenty as this pizza is very moreish.
Happy Gardening!